Today is Monday, October 7, 2024. It’s the 281st day of the year, and we’re on week 41.
Every day is special for some reason, and today is no different! Here you’ll find some interesting facts & events that happened today in history, as well as The Fact Site’s Fact of the Day!
Learn what special holiday falls on this day and how to celebrate it. You’ll also find out what famous people celebrate their birthdays today!
We update this page daily, so if you have a few minutes spare, check out these events & facts that all help to make today a special day!
Today’s Highlighted Events
The world is full of things happening – all day, every day. But here are some notable events that happened today in history.
Swedish music streaming service Spotify was launched by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon.
These are just our highlighted events, but if you’d like to learn more about what happened on this day, you can check out the link below!
Today’s Famous Birthdays
Are you celebrating your birthday today? If so, you’re not the only one! Here are a few famous people that were also born on this day.
Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell is an English TV personality born on October 7, 1959, in England, UK. He is 65 years old today.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin is an Russian politician born on October 7, 1952, in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He is 72 years old today.
Lewis Capaldi
Lewis Capaldi is an Scottish singer born on October 7, 1996, in Scotland, UK. He is 28 years old today.
Holland Roden
Holland Roden is an American actress born on October 7, 1986, in Texas, USA. She is 38 years old today.
Deaths On This Day
Today in history has also been a day of loss, and we’ve had to say some goodbyes over the years.
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer born on January 19, 1809. He died on this day in 1849, at age 40 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Died On:
Oct 7, 1849 (Age 40)
Died In:
Maryland, USA
Today’s Special Holiday
Every day has special holidays that are celebrated throughout the world, and today is no different! Here’s one of today’s special holidays you can participate in.
National Frappé Day
Believe it or not, frappés weren’t invented by Starbucks! While they certainly brought them to a new level of popularity, coffee frappés have been enjoyed since the 1890s. So celebrate this surprisingly historic beverage today by drinking one; it’s as simple as that!
Today’s Shower Thoughts
Don’t you just love it when you’re taking your morning shower, and that little voice in your head asks, “how many balloons would it take to float a human?”
We all have these strange thoughts at random times – and here are our shower thoughts of the day.
THe Fact Site’s
Fun Fact Of The Day
Japanese vending machines are built to dispense drinking water free of charge when the water supply gets cut off during a disaster.
Fast Facts About Today
Day of week | Monday |
Week number | Week 41 |
Day of year | Day 281 of 2024 |
Decade | 2020s |
Zodiac Sign | Libra |
Leap year | 2024 is a leap year |