Today is Monday, December 2, 2024. It’s the 337th day of the year, and we’re on week 49.
Every day is special for some reason, and today is no different! Here you’ll find some interesting facts & events that happened today in history, as well as The Fact Site’s Fact of the Day!
Learn what special holiday falls on this day and how to celebrate it. You’ll also find out what famous people celebrate their birthdays today!
We update this page daily, so if you have a few minutes spare, check out these events & facts that all help to make today a special day!
Today’s Highlighted Events
The world is full of things happening – all day, every day. But here are some notable events that happened today in history.
The United Kingdom became the first country to legalize the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine.
These are just our highlighted events, but if you’d like to learn more about what happened on this day, you can check out the link below!
Today’s Famous Birthdays
Are you celebrating your birthday today? If so, you’re not the only one! Here are a few famous people that were also born on this day.
Britney Spears
Britney Spears is an American pop singer born on December 2, 1981, in Mississippi, USA. She is 43 years old today.
Charlie Puth
Charlie Puth is an American singer born on December 2, 1991, in New Jersey, USA. He is 33 years old today.
Joe Lo Truglio
Joe Lo Truglio is an American actor born on December 2, 1970, in New York, USA. He is 54 years old today.
Today’s Quote
Throughout history, people have said some emotional, inspirational, and thought-provoking things, sometimes silly things too! But here’s what’s been said on this day in history.
We’ve got the gift of love. But love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard, or just think it’s gonna get on with itself. You gotta keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it, and be careful of it, and keep the flies off and see that it’s alright, and nurture it.
John Lennon
English Singer
Today’s Special Holiday
Every day has special holidays that are celebrated throughout the world, and today is no different! Here’s one of today’s special holidays you can participate in.
National Mutt Day
Purebreed dogs have always gotten the most love and attention, and that’s just straight-up unfair. Mixed breed dogs are often the best dogs around, so let’s celebrate these beautiful mutts today by giving them plenty of treats and a nice long walk!
Today’s Shower Thoughts
Don’t you just love it when you’re taking your morning shower, and that little voice in your head asks, “how many balloons would it take to float a human?”
We all have these strange thoughts at random times – and here are our shower thoughts of the day.
THe Fact Site’s
Fun Fact Of The Day
“Titanic” was the first movie ever to gross $1 billion at the box office and was also the first film to sell 1 million copies on DVD.
Fast Facts About Today
Day of week | Monday |
Week number | Week 49 |
Day of year | Day 337 of 2024 |
Decade | 2020s |
Zodiac Sign | Sagittarius |
Leap year | 2024 is a leap year |