
November 11: Facts & Historical Events On This Day

Facts & Historic Events That Happened on November 11




November 11th is officially Singles Day and Origami Day.

Welcome to day 316 of 366! There are 50 days remaining in 2024.

Today was an incredible day in history. If you’re wondering why then you’re at the right place! Here we are going to look at the most interesting things that happened on this day throughout history.

Did you know that on this day in 1918, Poland became an independent country? Due to partitioning in the 18th Century, Poland had not existed for 123 years before this.

Keep reading for more fun & interesting facts about November 11th in history!


What memorable events happened on November 11 in history? Keep reading to find out!


The much-anticipated Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released for PC, PS4, and Xbox 360.

Due to Bethesda being acquired by Microsoft, this was the last Elder Scrolls game to be released for a PlayStation console.


Canada’s second-largest city, Montreal, started dumping untreated waste in the Saint Lawrence River.

The city said it was necessary to dump untreated waste into the river for up to a week while essential sewage works were happening in the town. Many environmentalists at the time raised their concerns; however, the city responded by saying that if repairs were not taken care of, it could result in even worse environmental issues down the line with raw sewage.


NASA launched the Gemini program’s tenth and final crewed spacecraft, Gemini 12.


British writer J. R. R. Tolkien, famous for writing The Lord of The Rings fantasy novels, published his second volume of the series, The Two Towers.

OTD in 1954: British writer J. R. R. Tolkien


Poland became an independent country.

The country claimed independence from the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Russian Empires.


After nearly four and a half years of cataclysmic conflict, World War I ended.

The bloodshed finally halted after an armistice was signed between Germany and the Allies. Over sixty-eight million people lost their lives in just under half a decade, civilians and soldiers alike.


Daniel McCree patented the portable fire escape in the US.

The device was designed to be placed near a window in a building and allowed people to descend safely outside.


Washington became the 42nd state to join the United States of America.

OTD in 1889: Washington became the 42nd state to join the United States of America.


The Manchester Ship Canal started its construction in Eastham, England.


Inventor Alan Clark was granted his patent for the telescope.


Chrysanthemums were believed to have been introduced from China to England.


The first college fraternity, The Flat Hat Society, was formed in the Raleigh Tavern at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.


German polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz demonstrated integral calculus for the first time.

OTD in 1675: German polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz demonstrated integral calculus for the first time.

Leibniz had been working alongside Sir Issac Newton for many years on calculus. However, Leibniz did not publish his findings until 1684.


Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe witnessed the supernova SN 1572.

Tycho didn’t know it was a supernova at the time, as the current theories established that space was eternally unchangeable. He saw an intensely bright star in a part of the Cassiopeia constellation where no previously recorded stars existed.


Christopher Columbus discovered Sint Maarten in the West Indies.

OTD in 1493: Christopher Columbus discovered Sint Maarten in the West Indies.

The island is called St. Martin, with the southern portion of it still called Sint Maarten.


Pope Innocent III brought together the council for the Fourth Council of the Lateran, which was held at the Lateran Palace in Rome, Italy.

Famous Births

Is today your birthday? If so, you share this special day with Leonardo DiCaprio! Check out more famous people born on this day below.


Leonardo DiCaprio



Leonardo DiCaprio


49 years old

Born In:

California, USA


Demi Moore



Demi Moore


61 years old

Born In:

New Mexico, USA


Stanley Tucci



Stanley Tucci


63 years old

Born In:

New York, USA


Eduardo Franco



Eduardo Franco


28 years old

Born In:

Arizona, USA


Kurt Vonnegut



Kurt Vonnegut

Died On:

Apr 11, 2007 (Age 84)

Born In:

Indiana, USA


Of all of the quotes said on this day, these are the most well-known ones spoken on November 11th throughout history.


It isn’t enough to talk of peace. One must believe it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt

American First Lady


People miss happiness by chasing after false values and repressing the feelings that make life valuable and beautiful.

Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin

English Comic Actor


All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American Essayist

Special Holidays

Are you looking for something to do today? Well, here’s a few special days that might just give you some ideas.

November 11: Singles' Day
United States

Singles’ Day

In the 1990s, students at Nanjing University in China came together and created a new holiday, Singles’ Day, to celebrate all the good things about being single! You don’t have to live in China to participate; you just have to be single – so buy yourself something nice, or go out to dinner!

November 11: National Origami Day

National Origami Day

National Origami Day lands on the birthday of Lilliam Oppenheimer, the woman solely responsible for bringing the traditional Japanese art of paper folding to the USA. The best way to celebrate this ancient craft is to try to make some of your own Origami creations!

THe Fact Site’s

Fun Fact Of The Day

In the 1940s, air conditioning became popular in movie theaters and was advertised as “cool entertainment.”

Birthday & Zodiac

People who were born on this day all share the Scorpio star sign.

Scorpios make fantastic friends and lovers because they’ll always have your back! They go out of their way to protect and defend the people they are closest to.

Those of you that were born in November have the Topaz birthstone. When the topaz gem is gifted to someone, it represents a promise of everlasting love and friendship.

If you were born on this day, it’s likely that you were conceived on February 18 in the same year.

A baby that is conceived on November 11th, 2024, will be born around August 4th, 2025.


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