Hippo Eats Dwarf!
A hippo once swallowed a dwarf in a freak accident in Bangkok, Thailand.
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A hippo once swallowed a dwarf in a freak accident in Bangkok, Thailand.
In 2007 an article was published in the New England Journal of Medicine giving credit to a cat who predicted 50 deaths.
Birds that migrate during the day time can navigate themselves by the position of the sun.
Bats are the only mammals that are capable of controlled, self-propelled flight.
Jerboas look like mice with long tufted tails and very long back legs. Some can be herbivores & others are omnivores.
Is your dog's name Coco? This was one of the top 20 most popular dog names in 2009.
Even though they're called fainting goats, it doesn't mean they actually faint. They don't lose consciousness when they fall.
Did you know that goldfish can live up to 10 years, although the average is about 5 years?
Did you know that a wildlife park in Cornwall, United Kingdom actually taught a rat how to sniff out landmines?
Hedgehogs are covered in roughly six thousand spines, which are brown with white tips.
The world's first pink bottlenose dolphin was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA.
There are many parts of a pig which is edible, the loin, belly, head, neck, leg and more!