15 Awesome Facts About Dragonflies
The wings of a dragonfly are so powerful that they're able to fly at speeds of up to 22 - 34 miles per hour.
With millions of insect species in the world, the possible knowledge to learn about these creatures that inhabit and contribute to our world. Whether you love them or love to stay away from them, these amazing facts about insects WON’T make your skin crawl! And afterwards, you may even appreciate them more.
The wings of a dragonfly are so powerful that they're able to fly at speeds of up to 22 - 34 miles per hour.
Did you know that the Pokémon Heracross is based on an insect called the Japanese Rhinoceros beetle?
In Scotland, a brutally cold winter actually means more midges appear in the spring and summer.
Wasps are more naturally aggressive when compared with a bee. A wasp can keep on stinging a target multiple times.
On the Caribbean island of St. Kitts lives a population of wild Green Vervet Monkeys - they are notorious alcoholics!
Butterflies don’t taste with taste buds, but rather sensors located under their feet.
Some ants can support 50 to 100 times their own weight. Even while hanging upside-down on the underside of glass.
Did you know that as strange as it may be, spiders do not actually have blood?
Did you know that Bulldog Ants are one of the largest and most aggressive species of ants on the planet?
While we cannot see ultraviolet light, there are some animals that see UV light on a normal basis.
Ladybugs are rarely seen between fall and spring. They actually hibernate in clusters during the cold winter months.
It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs.