20 Interesting Facts About Reindeer
Did you know that reindeer have been domesticated for human use since the Bronze and Iron Ages?
Here at The Fact Site, we have countless facts covering mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, fish, and pets.
Are you looking to find out more about a particular species? Or just hungry for random animal facts?
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Did you know that reindeer have been domesticated for human use since the Bronze and Iron Ages?
Did you know that a male turkey is called a stag? The female is a hen, and their chicks are known as poult.
Chimpanzees are omnivores, and their widely varied diet includes nuts, fruits, leaves, and small animals.
Did you know that a wolf can hear 20 times better than a human being can?
Did you know that Bulldog Ants are one of the largest and most aggressive species of ants on the planet?
Did you know that whales (even though they are huge) only have small teeth for hunting?
Jellyfish eat small plants, zooplankton, fish eggs and sometimes other jellyfish.
To catch their prey, clownfish swim onto the reef where they attract larger fish, which are stung by the anemones.
The Komondor dog breed was originally bred in Hungary & was used to guard the flocks of sheep there.
While we cannot see ultraviolet light, there are some animals that see UV light on a normal basis.
Dolphins can interact with humans on great levels. Many people believe that they can understand every gesture that we make.
Koalas communicate with each other by making a snore like sound which is followed by a belch.