Why Do We Give Chocolate on Valentine’s Day?
Chocolate releases endorphins into the body, which are responsible for creating desire & energy in the body, making us feel happy.
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Chocolate releases endorphins into the body, which are responsible for creating desire & energy in the body, making us feel happy.
According to the Gospels in the New Testament, John baptized Jesus himself in the river Jordan.
In the 13th Century, French Nun's made and gave gifts to the needy on the eve of St. Nicholas.
87% of British people believe that Christmas would not be the same without a traditional roast turkey.
Did you know that shadows themselves don’t weigh anything, but the object the shadow appears on weighs less?
Did you know that gifting yellow roses signifies care, delight, friendship, joy and new beginnings?
Wedding rings have been in use since the time of the Egyptians, though they became widely popular in the 9th Century.
Stanford students recorded thousands of coin tosses and discovered the chances are a 51% chance it will land on heads.
The first Christmas card created had hand drawn images of adults and children raising their wine glasses in a toast.
Birds that migrate during the day time can navigate themselves by the position of the sun.
Auctioneers talk so fast to keep the bidding exciting because people would lose interest if it was slow and boring.
Did you know that goldfish can live up to 10 years, although the average is about 5 years?