Twenty-Three Facts About the Number 23
Did you know that the fear of the number 23 is called Duotriophobia?
Numbers carry a lot of symbolism, aside from just being used for counting. From dates to religion, the possibilities are endless of everything numbers can possibly represent. Even you probably have a significant number! We’ve found all the most interesting facts about numbers to satisfy your curiosity.
Did you know that the fear of the number 23 is called Duotriophobia?
After staying awake for 24 hours, your reaction levels are as if your blood alcohol is 0.1%.
Did you know that "World Pasta Day" is held on the 25th October every year?
Did you know that it takes an average person 13 seconds to count from 1 to 26?
The Twenty-Seven Club is a club for celebrities who died at 27 including Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin & Jim Morrison.
Superstition says that if you dream about the number 30 it means someone is lying to you.
The law states that in lists of data, the number 1 occurs with a probability of 30%.
Did you know that a 28 sided polygon is called an icosikaioctagon?
On July 29, 2005, astronomers announced their discovery of Eris - a dwarf planet that orbits the Sun directly.
There is always at least one Friday the 13th in each year. In some years there's two and occasionally three!
Did you know that in English, twelve is the largest number that has just one syllable?