10 Fast Facts About The Number 5
Did you know that Coco Chanel's "Chanel No. 5" perfume got its name from being released on May 5th?
Numbers carry a lot of symbolism, aside from just being used for counting. From dates to religion, the possibilities are endless of everything numbers can possibly represent. Even you probably have a significant number! We’ve found all the most interesting facts about numbers to satisfy your curiosity.
Did you know that Coco Chanel's "Chanel No. 5" perfume got its name from being released on May 5th?
It takes approximately 19 years for the lunar phases of the moon to appear again on the same day of the year.
Did you know that the second-ever asteroid to be discovered is called 2 Pallas?
Did you know that 31 years is equivalent to 1 billion seconds? Whereas 31 days is only 2.6 million seconds.
Did you know that Roman numerals were actually created between 850 and 750 BC before Rome was even founded?
Did you know that you can legally drink alcohol at 16-years-old in Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Belgium?
There are a total of 20 different possible moves that you can legally play at the beginning of a game of chess.
The reason that the number 3 often has a flat top is to help prevent fraud. This stops people changing it to the number 8.
According to MIT the number 17 is the most commonly randomly selected number between 1 and 20.
In China the number 18 is considered lucky because it sounds similar to the phrase "definitely get rich".
Ever got bored enough to count the amount of dots on a 6-sided die? Now you don’t have to... there's a grand total of 21 dots!
The phrase "catch-22" comes from the 1961 novel of the same name by author Joseph Heller.