30 Wild Facts About the Color Red
Did you know that most red wine doesn't get its color from the juice of grapes but from their skins and stems?
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Did you know that most red wine doesn't get its color from the juice of grapes but from their skins and stems?
Hot air balloons were first discovered when two brothers in France realized that a fabric bag filled with hot air would rise.
There is a popular Pokémon theory that suggests that a baby Kangaskhan & Cubone are the same Pokémon.
In 1996 the Hubble Telescope pointed at a part of the sky that was seemingly dead and made one of the biggest finds of all time.
These unanswerable questions intentionally manipulate the mind of a person.
The famous work of Mona Lisa was once recreated by 8 volunteers over 3 hours using 3,604 cups of coffee and 564 pints of milk.
Around one percent of all Google searches go through the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.
Auctioneers talk so fast to keep the bidding exciting because people would lose interest if it was slow and boring.
The smallest kite in the world which actually flies is 5mm high, which is only 0.2 inch.
If Pinocchio said the statement "My nose will grow now" it would cause a paradox.
Extreme ironing can be done on a mountainside, preferably on a difficult climb, or taking an iron skiing, scooting or canoeing.
A Japanese engineer set the record for the longest flight for a paper airplane, keeping his design in the air for 27.9 seconds.