13 Jolly Facts About German Shepherds
Did you know that Germans Shepherds are the third most intelligent dog breed in the world?
Dogs are known to be man’s best friends. They’re cute, cuddly, loyal, and playful! We don’t know about you, but there’s something about those adorable puppy eyes that screams “pet me.”
Whether you’re a fan of those cute little Chihuahuas or prefer big Great Danes, they will always be small little puppies in their owners’ eyes. So impress your dog lover friends with these fantastic doggo facts!
Did you know that Germans Shepherds are the third most intelligent dog breed in the world?
Did you know that Chihuahuas are the world's smallest breed of dog?
Did you know that Corgis are listed as the 11th smartest breed of dog?
After Pickles the dog found the World Cup trophy, he went on to star in the feature film The Spy With The Cold Nose.
St. Bernard’s have been used for years as mountain rescue dogs. The most successful was Barry, who saved 40 lives.
The Komondor dog breed was originally bred in Hungary & was used to guard the flocks of sheep there.
The excessive use of chemicals in our daily lives is a leading contributor to dog seizures.
A team of golden retrievers were trained to illustrate the structure of atoms - the particles that make up everything around you.
Is your dog's name Coco? This was one of the top 20 most popular dog names in 2009.