All You Need to Know About Spinning Classes

Facts About Spinning Class



If you want to get fit, lose weight and gain confidence, why not check out these facts about spinning classes?

A great opportunity for an effective work out.

Not only does it allow you to train in all weather conditions, but you don’t have to wear a helmet.

In fact, you don’t need much to attend a class – just some comfortable sports clothes, a drink to keep you hydrated and a towel to wipe away the sweat and keep yourself clean.

While you are not on a real bicycle, you are in a comfortable gym or an exercise studio, with others around you who want to reach a specific goal too.

The use of lighting, varied types of music and multiple routines helps to freshen what may seem a monotonous exercise.

Suitable for everybody!

This type of exercise class is one that welcomes everyone with different ability levels, whether you are just beginning or someone with a passion for cycling.

Trained instructors will guide participants through multiple phases, including; warm ups, steady up tempo cadences, sprints, uphill climbs, and cool downs.

The word ‘cadence’ means the rate the cyclist turns the pedals.

5 Core Movements

During classes, there are five core movements that the instructor will guide you through…

Seated Flat

Your hands should be at the middle part of the handlebars.

This position should be used only when seated, for flat road simulations and during the warm-up and cool down.

Cadence is between 80 and 110 RPM.

Standing Flat

Also known as Running – your hands should be where the handlebars cross the body.

The body should be upright, with the back of the legs touching the point of the saddle, center of gravity directly over the crank.

The pressure of body weight should never rest excessively on the handlebars. Cadence is between 80 and 110 RPM.


Also known as Lifts – a combination of seated and standing.

Your hands should be where the handlebars cross your body for durations of between two and eight seconds.

Cadence is between 80 and 110 RPM.

Seated Climb

Your hands should be where the handlebars cross your body.

It has an increased resistance and lower cadence of 60-80 RPM.

Standing Climb

Your hands should be wide and forward so the thumb tips are touching the far end of the handlebars.

You are canted slightly forward. It exerts maximum force onto the pedals with heavy resistance, and a cadence of 60-80 RPM.

No Pressure…

The participants are able to control and adjust the standing bike of their own will, so that there is no pressure when you walk into the class.

This enables you to go at your own pace, but also makes you push yourself gradually, to get the maximum effort and weight loss. A vital thing to remember with these classes is that there is no competition.

Participants in spin classes can burn about 400-600 calories in a 40-minute workout.

The “distance” traveled depends on the cadence, however, an average 40-minute class at a cadence of 80-110 RPM is equivalent to approximately 15-20 miles on the road.

The minimum time a spinning class can last for is 30 minutes, which is known in some circles as ‘Express Cycling’, whereas the maximum time is 75 minutes.

About The Author

Zoe Adams
Zoe Adams

Zoe Adams is professional blogger and freelance writer with five short story acceptances, with multiple companies. Her latest achievement was graduating for a BA (Hons) in Professional Writing.

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