15 Magnificent Facts About the Millennial Generation (1981-1996)
The term “Millennials” was coined by Neil Howe and William Strauss. Other possibilities were “echo boomers” and “baby boomlets.”
Civilizations need hard-working people in order to thrive! That goes for historical and current cultures.
In order to better appreciate our world today, we need to take a look back at the hard work from past generations that helped us become the thriving world that we are!
The term “Millennials” was coined by Neil Howe and William Strauss. Other possibilities were “echo boomers” and “baby boomlets.”
Generation Z grew up alongside social media. The first social media site, Six Degrees, was launched in 1997, the year Gen Z began.
In 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte sold Louisiana to the United States for $15 million to fund his continued fight against the British.
Martin Luther King Jr. spent just 13 years in the public eye. He became involved in politics at age 25 and died when he was 39.
Did you know that Barack Obama wasn't just the first Black US President, but the one of the youngest to serve in the Oval Office?
Did you know that Alaska used to be a part of Russia? The Russian Empire was short on cash, though, and sold it to the US in 1867!
Did you know that bullfighters wear a yellow and pink cape for most of the fight and only switch to a red cape at the very end?
Despite its harsh climate, the Sahara Desert is home to over 100 reptiles, 70 mammals, and 90 birds.
Did you know that one of the world's greatest artists, Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath?
Did you know that the Colosseum amphitheater in Rome was built by tens of thousands of slaves around 80 A.D?
Did you know that during the medieval ages, people used urine to treat bruises and other open wounds?
Did you know that smiling was considered idiotic and a lower-class action from the 1800s to the 1900s?